Sunday, 20 May 2012

Knowing your horse

Unlike people, animals can't tell you with words what wrong with them, but they can tell you with the actions they take. A few months ago I was at a barrel race with my horse Jamaica; she was the only horse I brought and she wasn't very happy about that and she was acting really weird. Usually if food is put in front of her she won't hesitate to take it but this weekend she turned her head at most of her food, and on top of that she wouldn't drink any water at all. A few weeks later we took her to get her teeth floated and found out she broke a tooth around the same time as the barrel race and that would explain why she wouldnt touch anything we gave her. We are glad we found out when we did or she could have gotten an infection. Knowing your horse is so important; daily activites they take part in such as eating or even when your riding and they aren't acting like normal its important to know that so you know when they are hurting and if you need to take them to the vet. Something my family goes off of is if your horse is starting to have a bad habit they have never had before chances are something is wrong.Enjoy your horses=)

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