Monday, 21 May 2012

Fun facts

There are so many different breeds of horses with differences in size, shape, and even habits. Some facts are very fun and interesting so I thought I would share a few.
  • Falabella the Smallest minature horse there is, the tallest they can get is about 32 inches tall!
  • Arabian horses are thought to be the oldest horses around, often used for endurance racing these small structured horses have been around for about 5,000 years!!
  • Quarter horses got there name becuase they are extremely fast at a quarter of a mile, very versatile breed they do anything from jumping to team penning
  • Standardbreds are a breed between morgans and thoroughbreds; often used for racing this breed is a very loyal fast one.
  • Paints, a term we know and use in North America, however in any other place a paint horse is not known as a bred but only a color.
Enjoy your Horses=)


  1. Horses are cool. I think I would want a mini horse. That would be awesome

  2. I didn't know most of these facts; thanks for sharing. All these blogs make me want to have a horse!

  3. My family owns a miniture horse ranch, they have like 15 of them. They are really cute, I like to put the carriage on them and ride in it. It is amazing that they can be that small though.
