Monday, 21 May 2012

Barrel Racing

The sport of Barrel racing is sometimes a foreign term to many people around the world, when people ask me what it is I find my self saying its where you run your horse as fast as you can around three barrels. That does not justify the truth of how hard barrel racing is. Barrel racing is a hugely competitive sport, there is a set pattern and a time to beat along with trying not to knock over a barrel which gets you disqualified or messing up the pattern which is also a D/Q or a no time. You spend money to make money, it can sometimes add up to about $400 a weekend. My horse and I have worked extremely hard to become barrel racers; long hours of walking the pattern, getting into the right position every little detail counts, from how far you lean out or how hard you kick to when you signal your horse to turn, its a lot of work for a 16 second run. People should try and put themselves in a Barrel racers shoes and see that it is hardwork and takes a lot more than just running around a barrel

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